Monday, October 24, 2011

FAQ #4 - I have just discovered a lump in my breast. Do you have any pearls of wisdom for me during this difficult time?

I have just discovered a lump in my breast. Do you have any pearls of wisdom to help me during this difficult time? 
I will guess that (1) your head is spinning right now working through the logistics of what comes next and (2) you are also trying not to panic. 

Although I have had 2 breast cancer diagnoses, I do know that the vast majority of lumps and biopsies are negative, meaning they are free of cancer. You have every reason to hang on to the hope that you will be in that majority until you hear otherwise. 

I have tried hard to handle the many insecurities about my health during my lifetime by (1) choosing to focus on what I know right now, (2) what needs to be known next, and then (3) what needs to be done right now, instead of all the what ifs and/or the worst case scenarios, which are only conjecture at that point and cause energy to go to worry instead of healing. 

I know that is all much easier to say than to do, but that has been my goal. :-) For the most part that approach has worked, along with taking lots and lots of deep breaths, lots and lots of prayer to God and the universe with the following affirmation: "I know in the ultimate flow of life, the seen and the unseen, that I am safe." I have also opened myself up to multiple support systems to permit additional healing energy into my circle. 

There are many good resources available to help a person without an extensive medical background learn about diagnosis and treatment of breast lumps and breast cancer. Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book is considered the classic book. The website is also very extensive and helpful. Knowledge is power. Use that knowledge to become an informed and equal partner in your medical care. 

I do hope your lump is benign. However, if it is not, you will have many role models to follow in this club of cancer survivors who will offer you support during this new challenge in life, that of a cancer recovery journey. 

I send you my best wishes and prayers for health, healing, and hope. 

Diana Dyer, MS, RD

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